Public Health

Notifiable Disease Incidence in New York State

July 25, 2024
communicable diseases disease incidence epidemiology public health New York State

New York Hospital Bed Capacity

July 22, 2024
health care delivery Hospitals New York City New York State Public Health Preparedness

New York State Food Establishment Inspection Maps

July 21, 2024
food safety environemental health New York State Public Health inspection GIS

New York Flu Watch: Real-Time Tracking and Analysis of Influenza Data

May 24, 2024
communicable diseases data visualization epidemiology influenza New York State Public Health

County Health Rankings Factor vs Outcome Ranks

May 1, 2024
Community Health Public Health Social Determinants variation

Birth Defect Trends in New York State

February 15, 2024
birth defects maternal and child health epidemiology public health New York State disease incidence epidemiology

United States Weekly Death by Select Causes (2014 to Present)

November 14, 2023
data visualization epidemiology United States Public Health

New York Weekly Death by Select Causes (2014 to Present)

November 14, 2023
data visualization epidemiology New York State Public Health

DrPH student Isaac Michaels discusses the ongoing challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic

April 24, 2023
COVID-19 Public health Data analysis Vaccinations Health equity Air quality census

New York State's public health workforce suffering from long-term staffing shortages, study finds

October 20, 2022
Public Health local health departments public health workforce New York State Public Health Practice Public Health Infrastructure

Research Team Uncovers Disparities in Internet Access and COVID-19 Vaccination in New York City

August 26, 2021
COVID-19 epidemiology New York City GIS Public Health Social Determinants immunization

Tobacco Availability and Advertising Decrease in Albany, NY Food Stores

May 12, 2016
Albany NY Tobacco Control environemental health Public Health Social Determinants epidemiology Community Health chronic disease

Study Examines the Impact of Food Shopping Venues and Neighborhood Food Environment on BMI in Urban Adults

April 16, 2016
Community Health chronic disease environemental health epidemiology Health Disparities Public Health

New Study Finds Travel Distance Poses Barrier to Participation in Diabetes Intervention Programs for Guyanese Immigrants at Faith-Based Organizations

May 8, 2014
Public Health GIS chronic disease Diabetes data visualization environment epidemiology Social Determinants

Use Cases for Social Impact Bonds in Schenectady, New York

January 10, 2014
Social Impact Bonds Public Health health care Health Reform Community Health Prevention Schenectady