County Health Rankings Factor vs Outcome Ranks

May 1, 2024
Community Health Public Health Social Determinants variation

Published: May 22, 2020
Updated: May 01, 2024 at 10:05AM


The focus of this page is to compare trends from 2010 to present in counties’ health factors vs. health outcomes rankings as assigned by County Health Rankings and Roadmaps for each U.S. state.

Data Overview

On this page, you will find one graph per state. Each graph contains one panel for each county in the respective state. Each panel presents two lines, one for the county’s health factors rank, and another for the county’s health outcomes rank. The x-axes represent years and the y-axes represent ranks. By comparing the trends, we can visually assess the nature of correlations between factor ranks and outcome ranks at the county level. Additionally, for each state, you will also find a graph containing panels of scatter plots. Each panel represents one year, the x-axes reflect health factor ranks, and the y-axes reflect health outcome ranks. On each panel, there is a linear regression best-fit line overlayed with a 95% confidence interval shaded. Each panel also shows the correlation coefficient and p-value. These scatter plots show the degree to which health factor ranks and health outcome ranks are correlated.

How to Use These Data

These data can be used to identify patterns and correlations between health factors and health outcomes at the county level. The scatter plots provide a visual representation of the degree of correlation between health factors and health outcomes, and the correlation coefficient and p-value provide statistical significance of the correlation.

Why These Data are Important

The County Health Rankings and Roadmaps program is an important tool for public health practitioners, policy makers, and community leaders. It helps raise awareness about the many factors that influence health and that health varies from place to place. Additionally, by providing data on a county-by-county basis, it allows for targeted and localized efforts to improve population health.

Implications for Public Health Practice

These data can be used to inform public health practice by identifying areas in need of improvement, as well as highlighting areas where efforts have been successful. By understanding the correlation between health factors and health outcomes, public health practitioners can prioritize interventions and allocate resources more effectively.



Graphs Prepared by: Isaac H. Michaels, MPH

Data Source: County Health Rankings and Roadmaps

Graphs Prepared by: Isaac H. Michaels, MPH

Data Source: County Health Rankings and Roadmaps

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District of Columbia

Graphs Prepared by: Isaac H. Michaels, MPH

Data Source: County Health Rankings and Roadmaps

Graphs Prepared by: Isaac H. Michaels, MPH

Data Source: County Health Rankings and Roadmaps

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Graphs Prepared by: Isaac H. Michaels, MPH

Data Source: County Health Rankings and Roadmaps

Graphs Prepared by: Isaac H. Michaels, MPH

Data Source: County Health Rankings and Roadmaps

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Graphs Prepared by: Isaac H. Michaels, MPH

Data Source: County Health Rankings and Roadmaps

Graphs Prepared by: Isaac H. Michaels, MPH

Data Source: County Health Rankings and Roadmaps

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New Hampshire

Graphs Prepared by: Isaac H. Michaels, MPH

Data Source: County Health Rankings and Roadmaps

Graphs Prepared by: Isaac H. Michaels, MPH

Data Source: County Health Rankings and Roadmaps

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North Carolina

Graphs Prepared by: Isaac H. Michaels, MPH

Data Source: County Health Rankings and Roadmaps

Graphs Prepared by: Isaac H. Michaels, MPH

Data Source: County Health Rankings and Roadmaps

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North Dakota

Graphs Prepared by: Isaac H. Michaels, MPH

Data Source: County Health Rankings and Roadmaps

Graphs Prepared by: Isaac H. Michaels, MPH

Data Source: County Health Rankings and Roadmaps

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Graphs Prepared by: Isaac H. Michaels, MPH

Data Source: County Health Rankings and Roadmaps

Graphs Prepared by: Isaac H. Michaels, MPH

Data Source: County Health Rankings and Roadmaps

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Rhode Island

Graphs Prepared by: Isaac H. Michaels, MPH

Data Source: County Health Rankings and Roadmaps

Graphs Prepared by: Isaac H. Michaels, MPH

Data Source: County Health Rankings and Roadmaps

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South Carolina

Graphs Prepared by: Isaac H. Michaels, MPH

Data Source: County Health Rankings and Roadmaps

Graphs Prepared by: Isaac H. Michaels, MPH

Data Source: County Health Rankings and Roadmaps

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South Dakota

Graphs Prepared by: Isaac H. Michaels, MPH

Data Source: County Health Rankings and Roadmaps

Graphs Prepared by: Isaac H. Michaels, MPH

Data Source: County Health Rankings and Roadmaps

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West Virginia

Graphs Prepared by: Isaac H. Michaels, MPH

Data Source: County Health Rankings and Roadmaps

Graphs Prepared by: Isaac H. Michaels, MPH

Data Source: County Health Rankings and Roadmaps

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