Prioritizing Student Health: My Published Op-Ed on Indoor Air Quality in NY Schools

February 3, 2023
environemental health Public Health Practice communicable diseases schools New York State air quality

I am proud to share my op-ed, “The need for an air quality census in New York state schools,” published today (February 3, 2023) in the Bronx Times. The op-ed addresses the importance of indoor air quality in schools, and proposes that New York State conduct an air quality census of school buildings, publish the results periodically on the Health Data NY website, and implement indoor air quality standards and policies. Given the current risks of airborne transmission of respiratory viruses, including COVID-19, I believe it is crucial that we improve indoor air quality in schools to create a safer and healthier environment for students, teachers, and staff.

The full letter is available here:

New York COVID-19 Data Tracking Report

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COVID-19 GIS epidemiology communicable diseases

United States COVID-19 Data Tracking Report

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