Baseball Bivariate Analyses

June 10, 2021
Sabermetrics baseball sports

Published: August 3, 2020
Updated: June 10, 2021 at 07:04PM

On-Base Plus Slugging Percentage

Age vs. OPS

Graph Prepared By: Isaac H. Michaels, MPH
Data Source: Sean Lahman Baseball Database

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Height vs. OPS

Graph Prepared By: Isaac H. Michaels, MPH
Data Source: Sean Lahman Baseball Database

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Weight vs. OPS

Graph Prepared By: Isaac H. Michaels, MPH
Data Source: Sean Lahman Baseball Database

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Salary vs. OPS

Graph Prepared By: Isaac H. Michaels, MPH
Data Source: Sean Lahman Baseball Database

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Earned Run Average

Age vs. ERA

Graph Prepared By: Isaac H. Michaels, MPH
Data Source: Sean Lahman Baseball Database

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Height vs. ERA

Graph Prepared By: Isaac H. Michaels, MPH
Data Source: Sean Lahman Baseball Database

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Weight vs. ERA

Graph Prepared By: Isaac H. Michaels, MPH
Data Source: Sean Lahman Baseball Database

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Salary vs. ERA

Graph Prepared By: Isaac H. Michaels, MPH
Data Source: Sean Lahman Baseball Database

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Team Winning Percentage, Homeruns, and ERA

Winning Percentage vs. Homeruns

Graph Prepared By: Isaac H. Michaels, MPH
Data Source: Sean Lahman Baseball Database

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Winning Percentage vs. ERA

Graph Prepared By: Isaac H. Michaels, MPH
Data Source: Sean Lahman Baseball Database

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Homeruns vs. ERA

Graph Prepared By: Isaac H. Michaels, MPH
Data Source: Sean Lahman Baseball Database

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Team Winning Percentage, Payroll, and Attendance

Payroll vs. Winning Percentage

Graph Prepared By: Isaac H. Michaels, MPH
Data Source: Sean Lahman Baseball Database

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Payroll vs. Attendance

Graph Prepared By: Isaac H. Michaels, MPH
Data Source: Sean Lahman Baseball Database

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Winning Percentage vs. Attendance

Graph Prepared By: Isaac H. Michaels, MPH
Data Source: Sean Lahman Baseball Database

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