Published: May 28, 2023
Updated: January 20, 2025 at 04:30PM
This Racing Horse Death Report provides information on horses that have suffered fatalities at race tracks in New York State. This report aims to analyze the dataset, uncover patterns and trends, and provide insights into the occurrence of such incidents. By examining these data, we can gain a better understanding of the safety and well-being of horses involved in horse racing.
Data Source
The dataset used for this analysis is provided by the New York State Gaming Commission. The dataset is publicly available on the Open Data NY platform and is maintained by the Division of Horse Racing and Pari-Mutuel Wagering, a part of the Gaming Commission. The dataset contains records from March 4, 2009, to the present, with daily updates.
You can access the dataset here.
It is important to acknowledge the limitations of this dataset. While the data provide valuable insights, there are certain limitations to consider:
Underreporting: The dataset may not capture all equine injuries, breakdowns, or deaths, as reporting may depend on various factors such as track policies and incident severity.
Missing Data: There may be missing or incomplete records in the dataset, which could affect the accuracy of the analysis.
Data Quality: As with any dataset, there may be data quality issues, such as inaccuracies or inconsistencies, which could impact the findings.
Despite these limitations, the dataset still offers valuable information for understanding and monitoring equine safety in New York State.
Importance of the Data
The data on equine death and breakdown is crucial for multiple reasons:
Animal Welfare: Monitoring and analyzing incidents of equine injuries and fatalities helps identify areas where the safety and well-being of horses involved in horse racing is at risk.
Transparency and Accountability: Making this data publicly available fosters transparency and accountability within the horse racing industry, allowing stakeholders and the general public to stay informed about the safety record of race tracks and the efforts being made to minimize risks.